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AppSec as a habit

We are your team extention until your organization builds a muscle memory for the Secure Software Development Lifecycle activities.

OWASP SAMM Assessment

Evaluate your current SDLC maturity and prepare an achievable roadmap accross your R&D organization using OWASP SAMM.

DevSecOps tools

Integrate SCA, SAST and DAST tools in your development pipeline.

Threat modeling

Rollout threat modeling program in your R&D organization.


Security Solutions & Services

We are a team located in the Netherlands that provides consultancy in application security domain. Our main offer is to help you assess and improve your secure software development  lifecycle using OWASP SAMM, a comprehensive and flexible framework for measuring and enhancing security capabilities. We also help you introduce threat modeling, a systematic approach for identifying and mitigating risks in your applications. Whether you are a developer, a manager, or a security professional, we can help you achieve your security goals and deliver secure software solutions.


Prescriptive in nature, SAMM is an open, easily navigable, fully described, and quantifiable framework. It assists businesses in evaluating their present software security procedures, developing a security program through defined iterations.



What We Offer

We are your team extention until your organization builds a muscle memory for the Secure Software Development Lifecycle activities.

OWASP SAMM Assessment

Evaluate your current SDLC maturity and prepare an achievable roadmap accross your R&D organization using OWASP SAMM.

DevSecOps tools

Integrate SCA, SAST and DAST tools in your development pipeline.

Threat modeling

Rollout threat modeling program in your R&D organization.


Our Approach to Security

We commit time to internal skills and resources in your organization and become an extension of your team. We leave the room once all tasks run on autopilot by your own stuff.

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Mauris blandit aliquet

Elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque

Contact Us

5223WV, 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands

Monday-Friday: 8am – 5pm

Get Started

Book a free one hour appointment using the calendly button below